AEMP feed controller
API | Description |
GET v1/aemp/v1 |
Returns a version 1 AEMP xml file result |
GET v2/aemp/v1 |
Returns a version 1 AEMP xml file result |
AEMP feed controller
API | Description |
GET v1/aemp/v2 |
Returns a version 2 AEMP xml file result |
GET v2/aemp/v2 |
Returns a version 2 AEMP xml file result |
Asset controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Assets?Vin={Vin}&AsCustomerId={AsCustomerId}&CustomerAssetStatus={CustomerAssetStatus}&SearchSubCustomers={SearchSubCustomers} |
Returns all the assets owned by the customer |
GET v2/Assets/{id} |
Returns an asset by ID |
GET v2/Assets/WithLowBattery |
Returns all the assets that have an attached TCU with a low battery |
GET v2/Assets/ByName/{name} |
Returns an asset by name |
POST v2/Assets |
Create an asset |
PUT v2/Assets |
Updates an asset |
PUT v2/Assets/{id}/Transfer/{customerId} |
Transfers the asset to a different customer. |
PUT v2/Assets/{id}/Return |
Returns the asset to the parent customer. |
GET v2/Assets/{id}/MostRecentReport |
Gets the most recent report the user is able to see for this asset |
GET v2/Assets/Area |
Get all assets within a given area |
POST v2/Assets/Beacons |
Provisions a beacon to a customer and assigns a new asset to it. |
POST v2/Assets/{assetId}/Sell/{customerId}?sellDate={sellDate} |
Performs the sell action on an asset to change the owning customer of the asset. |
GET v2/Assets/{assetId}/CustomFields |
Retrieves the list of custom field values for the request asset. |
GET v2/Assets/{assetId}/CustomFields/{assetCustomFieldDefinitionId} |
Retrieves the value for a specific custom field on a given asset. |
PUT v2/Assets/{assetId}/CustomFields/{assetCustomFieldDefinitionId} |
Creates / updates the value for a specific custom field on a given asset. |
PUT v2/Assets/{assetId}/CustomFields |
Creates / updates the value for a specific custom field on a given asset. |
DELETE v2/Assets/{assetId}/CustomFields/{assetCustomFieldDefinitionId} |
Deletes the value for a specific custom field on a given asset. |
Assets may have custom fields defined and values provided for those custom fields. These methods are for interacting with the list of custom field definitions. To view or modify the value of a custom field for an asset use the methods under Asset.
API | Description |
GET v2/Assets/CustomFields |
Retrieves the list of all custom fields defined for assets by the requesting customer. |
Asset report controller
API | Description |
POST v2/AssetReports |
Creates a report for an asset which may include unit data. |
Allows for interacting with asset report events, such as ignition on or hard braking. Only provides a time and location for the event. For full report data use the AssetReport calls.
API | Description |
GET v2/AssetReportEvents |
Gets asset report events. |
Controller for submitting asset reports
API | Description |
GET v1/AssetReports/{id}/GetDataElementsForReportId |
Returns the data elements that the given report ID requires |
GET v1/AssetReports/{id}/GetDataElementsForReceivedReportId |
Returns the data elements definitions for the data elements in the referenced received report |
GET v1/AssetReports/SubmittableReportTypes |
Gets the submittable asset report types. |
POST v1/AssetReports |
Submits a pre-defined report |
Controller for creating assets
API | Description |
GET v1/Assets |
returns all the assets that belong to the customerID of the user |
GET v1/Assets/{id} |
Gets the specified id. |
POST v1/Assets |
Posts the asset. |
PUT v1/Assets/{id} |
Puts the specified id. |
Controller for provisioning beacon field gateway devices.
API | Description |
GET v2/BeaconGateways/{deviceName} |
Retrieves the list of provisioned devices. |
POST v2/BeaconGateways |
Checks if the device is provisioned, returning either the existing or newly created symmetric key. |
Customer controller. Allows for managing the user's customer and child-customers.
API | Description |
GET v2/Customers?IncludeSelf={IncludeSelf}&Recurse={Recurse}&ExternalReferenceKey={ExternalReferenceKey} |
Returns all child customers of the requesting user's customer. Use the |
GET v2/Customers/{id} |
Retrieves a customer by Customer ID. |
GET v2/Customers/Name/{name} |
Retrieves a customer by name. The name must be an exact match to a customer account within the lineage of the requester. |
POST v2/Customers |
Create a customer |
Controller for providing subscribed customer feed data
API | Description |
GET v2/api/fleet/{key}?From={From}&To={To}&Statuses={Statuses}&Unit={Unit} |
Fleet data API provider |
GET v2/api/faults/{key}?From={From}&To={To}&Statuses={Statuses}&Unit={Unit} |
Fault API provider |
GET v2/api/events/{key} |
Report event API provider |
Allows for retrieving the list of customer endpoints and their current value. These values correlate to what is displayed in a widget.
API | Description |
GET v1/CustomerEndPoints/{id}/GetAvailableCustomerEndPointValues |
Return the available customer end point values for a specific asset |
Customers controller. Allows for managing customers. OBSOLETE: Use v2/Customer controller instead.
API | Description |
GET v1/Customers/{id} |
Get the name of a customer associated with a customer ID. |
GET v1/Customers |
Retrieves a list of all customers who are children of the requesting user's customer. Note that this will only retrieve immediate descendants and not the full depth tree. |
API | Description |
GET v1/CustomerSims |
No documentation available. |
GET v1/CustomerSims/{id}/GetBySimId |
No documentation available. |
POST v1/CustomerSims |
No documentation available. |
PUT v1/CustomerSims |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET v1/CustomerTcus |
Gets this instance. |
GET v1/CustomerTcus/{id} |
Gets the specified id. |
GET v1/CustomerTcus/{id}/GetByTcuId |
No documentation available. |
POST v1/CustomerTcus |
Sells a TCU |
PUT v1/CustomerTcus/ReturnTcu |
Returns a TCU |
PUT v1/CustomerTcus/{id}/Put |
Puts the specified id. |
Controller for managing types of customers.
API | Description |
GET v2/CustomerTypes/ForCustomer/{customerId} |
Get the list of customer types that the requested customer ID may create as child customers. |
API | Description |
GET v2/CustomFieldValues |
Returns custom field values for the requesting user's fleet. |
GET v2/CustomFieldValues/{assetId} |
Returns custom field values for a single asset |
GET v2/CustomFieldValues/{assetId}/{customFieldId} |
Returns custom field values for a single asset and field |
Provides access to data point definitions.
API | Description |
GET v2/DataPoints?SortBy={SortBy}&SortOrder={SortOrder} |
Retrieves the list of data points defined for the requesting user's customer. |
Provides access to alert definitions in the system.
API | Description |
GET v2/DataPointAlerts?SortBy={SortBy}&SortOrder={SortOrder} |
Retrieve the list of data point alerts that are defined. |
GET v2/DataPointAlerts/{id} |
Retrieve the definition of the data point alert with the requested ID. |
Provides access to data point values.
API | Description |
GET v2/DataPointValues/Current |
Retrieves the current value for the list of requested data points. |
GET v2/DataPointValues/Adjustments |
Retrieves the adjustments, if any, made to the data point values of the data points matching the filter criteria. |
Allows for retrieving the list of measurement units understood by the LHPT system.
API | Description |
GET v2/MeasurementUnits |
Returns the list of measurement units as well as their identifiers, abbreviations, and other details. |
API | Description |
GET v1/OemEquipment |
Gets all equipment models that the company has access to. |
GET v1/OemEquipment/{id} |
Gets the model with the specified id. |
POST v1/OemEquipment |
Creates a new OEM Equipment Model. |
PUT v1/OemEquipment/{id} |
Updates an existing OEM Equipment Model. |
OEM equipment make controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Makes |
Get all makes owned by the customer |
GET v2/Makes/{id} |
Get the Make by ID |
OEM equipment model controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Models |
Gets all equipment models owned by the customer |
GET v2/Models/{id} |
Get an OEM equipment model by ID |
GET v2/Models/Make/{id} |
Get all models of the specified make |
GET v2/Makes/{id}/Models |
Get all models of the specified make |
API | Description |
GET v1/OemMakes |
Retrieves the list of all OEM Equipment Makes defined for the requesting user's customer. |
GET v1/OemMakes/{id} |
Retrieves the OEM Equipment Make for the given ID. |
GET v1/OemMakes/{id}/GetForCustomer |
Retrieves the list of all OEM Equipment Makes defined for the specified customer ID. |
GET v1/OemMakes/{id}/Models |
Retrieves a list of all defined models of the given OEM Equipment Make. |
API | Description |
GET v1/OemModels |
Gets this instance. |
GET v1/OemModels/{id} |
Gets the specified id. |
GET v1/OemModels/{id}/GetForCustomer |
Gets this instance. |
POST v1/OemModels |
Posts the specified value. |
PUT v1/OemModels/{id} |
Puts the specified id. |
Provider controller. Allows for retrieving information on cellular providers.
API | Description |
GET v2/Providers |
Get all providers. |
GET v2/Providers/{id} |
Get the specified provider by ID |
API | Description |
GET v1/Providers |
No documentation available. |
GET v1/Providers/{id} |
No documentation available. |
Report Event Type controller. Allows for retrieving the list of report event types, such as Ignition On or Hard Acceleration.
API | Description |
GET v2/ReportEventTypes |
Retrieve the list of defined report event types. |
Controller for managing the definition of user roles.
API | Description |
GET v2/Roles |
Get all Roles visible to the authenticated user. |
GET v2/Roles/ByCustomerType/{customerTypeId} |
Get all Roles visible to the authenticated user that can be applied to the target customer type. |
GET v2/Roles/AssignableToCustomerUsers/{customerId} |
Get all Roles that may be assigned to users of the requested Customer ID. A user may be assigned the customer's master role, any non-shared locally created customer role, or roles shared by a parent customer to this customer's customer type. |
GET v2/Roles/AssignableToCustomerUsers |
Get all Roles that may be assigned to users of the requesting user's customer. A user may be assigned the customer's master role, any non-shared locally created customer role, or roles shared by a parent customer to this customer's customer type. |
SIM controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Sims |
Get all SIMs owned by the customer |
GET v2/Sims/{id} |
Get a SIM by ID |
GET v2/Sims?iccid={iccid} |
Get a SIM by ICCID |
GET v2/Sims/Iccid/{iccid} |
Get a SIM by ICCID |
POST v2/Sims/{iccid}/Activate |
Activates the SIM with the specified ICCID |
POST v1/Sims/{iccid}/Activate |
Activates the SIM with the specified ICCID |
POST v2/Sims/{iccid}/Deactivate |
Deactivates the SIM with the specified id. |
POST v1/Sims/{iccid}/Deactivate |
Deactivates the SIM with the specified id. |
API | Description |
GET v1/Sims |
Get all SIMs owned by the customer |
GET v1/Sims/{id} |
Get a SIM by ID |
GET v1/Sims/{id}/GetByIccid |
Get a SIM by ICCID |
POST v1/Sims |
Creates a new SIM |
POST v1/Sims/{id}/Sms |
Sends an SMS to the SIM with the specified id. |
PUT v1/Sims/{id} |
Update a SIM. |
Subscription controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Subscriptions/{tcuTypeId}/Customers |
Gets customers eligible to be sold the specific TCU type |
GET v2/Subscriptions/{tcuTypeId}/Customers/{customerId} |
Gets available subscriptions for the specific TCU type and customer |
GET v2/Subscriptions/{id} |
Get available subscription lengths for the supplied customer TCU type subscription ID |
GET v2/Subscriptions |
Get subscriptions associated with TCUs owned by this customer or their descendants. |
Subscription controller
API | Description |
GET v1/Subscriptions/{tcuTypeId}/Customers |
Gets customers eligible to be sold the specific TCU type |
GET v1/Subscriptions/{tcuTypeId}/Customers/{customerId} |
Gets available subscriptions for the specific TCU type and customer |
GET v1/Subscriptions/{id} |
Get available subscription lengths for the supplied customer TCU type subscription ID |
TCU controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Tcus?SearchSubCustomers={SearchSubCustomers} |
Get all TCUs owned by the customer |
GET v2/Tcus/{id} |
Get a TCU by ID |
GET v2/Tcus?imei={imei} |
Get a TCU by IMEI |
GET v2/Tcus/Imei/{imei} |
Get a TCU by IMEI |
GET v2/Tcus?name={name} |
Get a TCU by name |
GET v2/Tcus/Name/{name} |
Get a TCU by name |
GET v2/Tcus?serial={serial} |
Get a TCU by serial number |
GET v2/Tcus/Serial/{serial} |
Get a TCU by serial number |
GET v2/Tcus/{id}/NoAssetReport |
Get the current no-asset report record |
POST v2/Tcus |
Create a TCU |
GET v2/Tcus/{uuid}/Status |
Returns true if the given uuid belong to a bluetooth beacon that has not been assigned a customer. |
PUT v2/Tcus/{uuid}/Status |
Modifies the status fo the TCU |
GET v2/Tcus/{uuid}/IsAvailableBeacon |
Returns true if the given uuid belong to a bluetooth beacon that has not been assigned a customer. |
TCU Controller. Allows for managing TCUs in the system. OBSOLETE: use v2/Tcu
API | Description |
GET v1/Tcus |
Retrieve a list of all TCUs owned by the customer. |
GET v1/Tcus/{id}/Get |
Get a specific TCU by ID. |
GET v1/Tcus/{id}/GetByName |
Retrieve a specific TCU by name. |
GET v1/Tcus/{id}/GetByImei |
Retrieve a TCU by IMEI. |
GET v1/Tcus/{id}/GetBySerial |
Retrieve a TCU by serial number. |
GET v1/Tcus/{id}/GetTcuSimByTcuId |
Retrieve a TCU by the ID of the SIM installed in the TCU. |
GET v1/Tcus/{id}/NoAssetReports |
Get the current no-asset report record for a TCU. A no-asset report is a report received from the TCU at a time when no asset is associated with it. |
POST v1/Tcus |
Create a new TCU. |
PUT v1/Tcus/{id} |
Update an existing TCU. |
API | Description |
GET v1/TcuSims/{id} |
Get the SIM information for the requested TCU. |
POST v1/TcuSims |
Associates a SIM with a TCU. |
PUT v1/TcuSims/{id} |
Updates the SIM information for a TCU. |
TCU subscription controller
API | Description |
GET v2/TcuSubscriptions |
Get all TCUs subscriptions by the user's customer account. Returns only Active and Idle by default. |
GET v2/TcuSubscriptions/{imei} |
Gets the current subscription for the supplied IMEI |
POST v2/TcuSubscriptions/{imei}/Terminate |
Terminates a single TCU subscription |
POST v2/TcuSubscriptions/Terminate |
Terminates a batch of TCU subscriptions |
Calls related to telematics device types.
API | Description |
GET v2/TcuTypes |
Get all TCU types |
GET v2/TcuTypes/{id} |
Get the specified TCU type by ID |
Allows for retrieving the list of defined TCU Types. OBSOLETE: Use v2/TcuType
API | Description |
GET v1/TcuTypes |
Get the list of all defined TCU Types. |
GET v1/TcuTypes/{id} |
Get the TCU Type for the specified ID. |
User controller
API | Description |
GET v2/Users |
Get the current user's information |
GET v2/Users/{id} |
Get a user by ID |
GET v2/Users/all?SearchSubCustomers={SearchSubCustomers} |
Get all users associated with the requester's customer account. |
POST v2/Users |
Create a user |
GET v2/Users/Roles |
Retrieves the list of roles available to the current user for assigning to new users. |
GET v2/Users/Roles/Customer/{id} |
Retrieves the list of roles available to assign to a new user in the given customer account. |
Users controller. OBSOLETE: Use v2/User
API | Description |
GET v1/Users |
Gets this User that made the call to the web api. |
GET v1/Users/{id} |
Gets the specified User from the id. |